Pictures of Joseph Franklin Keyes, Sr. and Emma Viola Bearden Keyes
These are pictures that were taken at different times in the life of my Father and Mother.
Joseph Franklin Keyes, Sr. and Emma Viola Bearden Keyes
My Mother was pregnant with me when this picture was taken. |
Daddy at Christmas
Daddy at one of the Christmas holidays opening presents.
Daddy with his new gloves
My daddy was a happy-go-lucky sort of person and was always smiling. This was taken one Christmas when he got a pair of gloves. |
Daddy and Mama
This picture was taken, I think, at Jeanette's in Quitman back in 1980.
Just another picture of my Daddy.
My sister, Sandy, has a program that she can put pictures in these different shapes and she put daddy in this moon. |
Christmas time at the Nursing Home
This picture was taken at the Nursing Home in Tallulah, Louisiana
Joe Keyes
This is about the way that you would always see daddy in the winter time. |
Emma Viola Bearden Keyes
I think my mother was so pretty in this turquoise dress.

My Mother
Mama with her cup of coffee. She loved her coffee. |
Emma Viola Bearden Keyes
This picture was taken on my Parents Wedding Day.