Photos Made After Diagnosis
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These pictures were taken in Houston and after we got home.

Most all of my sisters came to see me the weekend after my ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease).  I have five sisters. Four of them came to see me. These photos were taken in Houston and at home that week.

Collage of pictures

I couldn't get all of the photos on this page so my sister, Sandy, put them in a collage and she got as many as she could in it.

Bennie, Peggy and Jeanette

This picture was taken just before Jeanette and Bennie had to drive back to Quitman, Mississippi where they live.

Marie, Sandy, Peggy, Betty and Joshua

This is a picture of three of my sisters and my grandson.  LtoR:  Marie Keyes Hurley, Betty Keyes Miles, Peggy Keyes Williams, Sandy Keyes Bowden and my Joshua Bryan Smith.  They have been a lot of help to me and are a big support for me. 

Peggy Keyes

This picture was taken in Houston in my room, right after my diagnosis.  I think my smiles in these photos are not really happy smiles.

Peggy, Jeanette and Bennie

Bennie and Jeanette went to Houston with me for the three days I had to be there.  I don't think I would have been able to handle my diagnosis too well if Jeanette had not been there for me to cry on her shoulder.  She and Bennie put out tons of moral support for me ,  and I thank them for just being there with me.

Peggy and Jeanette

This picture was taken just before we left Houston.